Fundamental and relevant mathematics for prospective elementary school teachers, including whole numbers and place value operations with whole numbers, number theory, fractions, ratio and proportion, decimals, and percents. For Pre-Early Childhood and Pre-Elementary Education majors only.
Introduction to ordinary differential equations. First and second order linear differential equations, systems of linear differential equations, Laplace transform, numerical methods, applications. (This course is considered upper division with respect to the requirements for the major and minor in mathematics.)
Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB (Problem Books in Mathematics) Jean-Louis 12
While the mathematicians of the pre-internet age often spread their mathematical ideas within the community via written letters prior to publication, modern mathematical correspondence and exposition is rapidly facilitated by a variety of digital tools. Of great importance to the publishing process in mathematical sciences is the LaTeX markup language, used to typeset virtually all modern mathematical publications, even at the pre-print stage. In this course we will develop facility with LaTeX, and develop a variety of writing practices important to participation in the mathematical community. There will be regular written assignments completed in LaTeX, as well as collaborative writing assignments, owing to the importance of collaborative writing in mathematical research. Writing topics may include proofs, assignment creation, pre-professional writing (resumes/cover letters, research and teaching statements), expository writing for a general audience, recreational mathematics, and the history of mathematics. Short writing assignments on such topics will be assigned in response to assigned readings from a variety of accessible/provided sources. Towards the end of the semester groups will complete a research paper of an expository nature and craft a seminar style presentation. This course meets the junior year writing requirement.
This course is about how to write and use computer code to explore and solve problems in pure and applied mathematics. The first part of the course will be an introduction to programming in Python. The remainder of the course (and its goal) is to help students develop the skills to translate mathematical problems and solution techniques into algorithms and code. Students will work together on group projects with a variety applications throughout the curriculum.
This is a rigorous introduction to some topics in mathematics that underlie areas in computer science and computer engineering, including: graphs and trees, spanning trees, colorings and matchings, the pigeonhole principle, induction and recursion, generating functions, and (if time permits) combinatorial geometry. The course integrates mathematical theories with applications to concrete problems from other disciplines using discrete modeling techniques. Small student groups will be formed to investigate a modeling problem independently, and each group will report its findings to the class in a final presentation. Satisfies the Integrative Experience for BS-Math and BA-Math majors.
This is an introduction to the history of mathematics from ancient civilizations to present day. Students will study major mathematical discoveries in their cultural, historical, and scientific contexts. This course explores how the study of mathematics evolved through time, and the ways of thinking of mathematicians of different eras - their breakthroughs and failures. Students will have an opportunity to integrate their knowledge of mathematical theories with material covered in General Education courses. Forms of evaluation will include a group presentation, class discussions, and a final paper. Satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for BA-MATH and BS-MATH majors.
The course introduces and uses Fourier series and Fourier transform as a tool to understand varies important problems in applied mathematics: linear ODE & PDE, time series, signal processing, etc. We'll treat convergence issues in a non-rigorous way, discussing the different types of convergence without technical proofs. Topics: complex numbers, sin & cosine series, orthogonality, Gibbs phenomenon, FFT, applications, including say linear PDE, signal processing, time series, etc; maybe ending with (continuous) Fourier transform.
Algebraic geometry is the study of geometric spaces locally defined by polynomial equations. It is a central subject in mathematics with strong connections to differential geometry, number theory, and representation theory. This course will be a fast-paced introduction to the subject with a strong emphasis on examples. 2ff7e9595c